Battle Royale Mode in 1.8

    • Battle Royale Mode in 1.8

      Do you want this mode? 35
        Yes (13) 37%
        No (22) 63%
      Hi everyone, as i was reading WalkingArcher's post, he proposed to implement a Battle Royale PvP system. I really liked that idea and i wanted to propose it for the patch 1.8. I also thought about how it could work to make it more interesting.

      The Battle Royale is a PvP battle between al players, so in a map, 50 players (for now, maybe if the server gets more people we can bump it to 100) battle against all versus all. The game starts when 50 players join the queue and are actually not AFK (it can be implemented that after 5 minutes of not moving at all nor chatting in any chat nor everything else, you actually get automatically kicked out of the queue.) When 50 people are reached in the queue, the game starts after a cooldown of 30 seconds. All the 50 players are tped in random spots in a dedicated map at lvl 90 with max skills and no equip, with also no bags.

      p.s All the buffs (except upgrade buffs) must be reset and the skill refreshed, so you can buff yourself at the beginning of the match.

      After the tp all players have to loot crates and items around the map. When you open a box you can find only items fitting YOUR class and not someone else's class. Without bags you also have to manage your inventory if you want to take potions or stuff. The items can be found from +13 to a max of +18 pvp and nonpvp (So higher tiers items are more rare). After someone loots a chest, it expires, so no other people can loot it, so if you don't take some items, they're gone forever.

      For example you can find a pvp weapon +13 or a nonpvp weapon +18, then you have to choose what to keep and what not.

      For killing a person you simply receive the PvP points and instead of the body of the other player you find a chest with the loot, with his equip and his items in bag (obviously the chest needs an inventory that can store all of the person's drops).

      When you die you simply return to your capital city with all your items and stuff back.

      You can't rejoin a queue for Battle Royale until the other match is over (to prevent server lags)

      The winner can choose to take determined sets of prizes, so each player can choose what he needs/wants. Maybe something like upps items, items for crafting like waters, maybe one with a random castle stone, so it can be easier to craft pvp weapons and ecc ecc.

      So what do you think, would you like this mode?
      Please motivate your votes :D

      The post was edited 1 time, last by AlbertoCoderIT ().

    • love the idea but no clue if there are enough people to queue, I mean it's cool when you can hop into a game right after clicking join but here it would be a bit slow
      ░░░▀▀░▄gameforge ░▐▄▄▄▀░░
    • if the selection for participation is similar to that of the gebra there will certainly be unbalanced pvp, because some people with more computers are able to apply more pg creating numerical imbalances not indifferent, without considering others of the type afk or who ragequit

      Seriously hoping that all priests change class to make visible that no one cares about the priest class.
    • jarek wrote:

      love the idea but no clue if there are enough people to queue, I mean it's cool when you can hop into a game right after clicking join but here it would be a bit slow
      Yea maybe 50 is too much, maybe 25/30 are enough.

      Coccolino wrote:

      if the selection for participation is similar to that of the gebra there will certainly be unbalanced pvp, because some people with more computers are able to apply more pg creating numerical imbalances not indifferent, without considering others of the type afk or who ragequit
      It's not valo vs derions, but all vs all so pratically if someone joins with 2 pc, one will just stay afk and die. Also wouldn't be bad that players inactive for 2 minutes after the start are kicked automatically, maybe banned for 1H or something like that to avoid people doing that :) Wouldn't be bad if it was implemented in gebra too :P
    • Battle Royal is different and it is like for 30 minutes. Its more like a raw PvP dueling since there are no teleports or ALT F4 or portals. Normal PVP in Highlands and in Ardir is up to the players to be active by the way and i think you exaggerate IF , please note IF you imply that it will reduce the PvP there since its like 30m.
      Geralt Of Rivia , Withcer.. with tenure