Fearu ABB

    • Hello everyone,at the beginning i want to say that almost everyone from this forum/server can recognize me, so the introducing myself right now it's useless i could say.

      Let's move right into essence immediately.

      So,maybe as you know guys or not,i'd bet that you know it very well,almost every player on this server thinks that i'm using macro for abb.I could say (95 % of the server population)

      That's really sad and tiring for me from a day to day recently.

      I know that point,there is a free speech and you can say whatever and whenever you want to the someone else,you can suspect someone else bout macros etc even without evidences.

      But i want to end that thereby want to introduce you my 1- hand abb.

      Little explanation/binds etc.

      The central meaning of it is simple.

      I've just rebinded the backwards key from "s" to "w" and the forward key "w" to "s" in reality it allows me to keep the finger everytime on my dodge key "c" so basically,the dodge flash/debuff is even easier for me right now.

      The second thing is really simple,i'm using usually q and e key for the movement,the short cast arrows are binded for [ 1 2 3 4 5 ] so basically i can make abb very fluently with one hand at the moment,just a simple hold q + spam w and keys from 2-5.

      Here you can see my actual skillbar,i'm not using anymore a-d keys for movement so i've rebinded it for the a - sniper / d - mana arrow r - poison arrow as you can see below.

      That's really nice solution cause i have every single one important skill in range of my left hand,so i can rotate the camera very easily using mouse with my right hand and i don't have to switch between hands anymore.

      There is a video with Hand/Keyboard and Screen cam to show you guys,how it looks like in reality.

      Edit :

      Irl 1v1 archer duels footage

      I don't know if you will change the opinion about me after read this post,but i hope so ^^ :thumbup:

      Peace ^^

      Youtube channel -> Here | Fearu :rolleyes: :thumbup: <3

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Fearu ().

    • being accused again and again of using macros must be sooooooooo frustrating and annoying, especially when they actually do NOT use macros, that those ppl need to do threads like this to shut some mouths and stop feeling so overwhelmed.

      Man, let people be a little more. If they move like crazy ingame and abb or wtv better than many others, don't accuse 'em instantly for 'macro players' and don't be as stubborn as some can get to. I've seen videos off ppl using macro for real and they don't look like this for example, de difference is huge imo even without having the need of see how Fearu's fingers move.

      Display Spoiler
      sorry for being such an intense with the topic i'm actually very tilted with silly massive accusations and all this kind of shit
      Display Spoiler
      actually no i'm not sorry
    • Its a nice explanation and i get your point but that doesnt proofs that you dont use a macro. No one knows which buttons you pressed and what you actually did on your keyboard. There are Programms which show the buttons you are pressing, that should help you proof that you dont use a macro.

      Idc how you do your abb as long as there is no proof for a macro but this video only shows you smashing buttons.

      And if you realy wanna proof it, use a programm that shows your mouse and keyboard keys, then open the Task Manager and show us what kind of programms are Active during your abb.

      Thats the only way to proof it. Your video is a nice try but proofs nothing at all.
    • just963 wrote:

      Its a nice explanation and i get your point but that doesnt proofs that you dont use a macro. No one knows which buttons you pressed and what you actually did on your keyboard. There are Programms which show the buttons you are pressing, that should help you proof that you dont use a macro.

      Idc how you do your abb as long as there is no proof for a macro but this video only shows you smashing buttons.

      And if you realy wanna proof it, use a programm that shows your mouse and keyboard keys, then open the Task Manager and show us what kind of programms are Active during your abb.

      Thats the only way to proof it. Your video is a nice try but proofs nothing at all.
      Aravi snack
      Fearu nuub
      Hunter 10-0 every class u idiot
      Kill willco he is afk eating chicken
      Araya u got a pet lama OH YEAH YEAH
      Hi my name is Pascal (sorry for bad English)


    • Just to be curious: you can skill fast like that thanks a bug?!

      Because i always played the Archer "normally", i mean skilling with animations while moving (no Just Q +S) and waiting my skills to recharge.
      So yes i suck Archer, you don t need to remind me ^^ (i even changed classe)

      Just want to know cause in 2 secs i get 5 hit, while playing It normally i hitted 2 arrows.

      And about you Fearu i have Always spoken good about you: you so good with Archer and i don t think you can use macro, cause i think they can relevate it
      "If a miracle only happens once, then what is it called the second time?” – Ichigo Kurosaki
    • Bigbrother wrote:

      Just to be curious: you can skill fast like that thanks a bug?!

      Because i always played the Archer "normally", i mean skilling with animations while moving (no Just Q +S) and waiting my skills to recharge.
      So yes i suck Archer, you don t need to remind me ^^ (i even changed classe)

      Just want to know cause in 2 secs i get 5 hit, while playing It normally i hitted 2 arrows.

      And about you Fearu i have Always spoken good about you: you so good with Archer and i don t think you can use macro, cause i think they can relevate it
      Bugg, Feature name it how you want^^.

      But no they cant realy relevate it because the max Speed is pretty much the same for everyone because of the Macro protection.
      So you can cap at max abb speed just by using your hand. You would only be possible to see a difference if there wasnt a protection, because then you could be way faster with macro then with hands. You could also see if its a macro or not by looking at the length of each abb. So if a player always presses q and s for 5s theb its porbably a macro because then the time is always the same.

      Otherwise you also can do it different ways with a macro.
      For example. The Macro just presses all Skill when you press 1 Button. Or the Macro does the movement when you press a Button. So just by looking at Ingame footage its pretty impossible too see if its a macro or not. As long as it isnt a shit macro.
      There are more ways for macros but i dont wanna spread ideas ^^.
    • Wtf fearu Bro ur IQ has to be over 9000 lul. Nice binds but im to stupid for that
      I still Abb with onehanded #germansgotlongfingerings

      My grandmother used to tell me stories about the old days, a time of peace when the Avatar kept balance between the Derion Tribes, Valo Kingdom, casher Nation, and Air Nomads. But that all changed when the casher attacked.
    • Enzo wrote:


      So basiacly youre weakness is you cant move to the right while shooting if you play like that
      Why dont u switch bindings from Debuff 7 to for example T or Speedbuff F7 to V shouldnt it be more easier because then they are better to reach ? :)
      That's a really nice idea about these skill binds and you're pretty right,that I cant abb fluently while moving to the other side with holding e,but I might find a solution for it,or ill just play one sided abb

      Youtube channel -> Here | Fearu :rolleyes: :thumbup: <3
    • just963 wrote:

      Its a nice explanation and i get your point but that doesnt proofs that you dont use a macro. No one knows which buttons you pressed and what you actually did on your keyboard. There are Programms which show the buttons you are pressing, that should help you proof that you dont use a macro.

      Idc how you do your abb as long as there is no proof for a macro but this video only shows you smashing buttons.

      And if you realy wanna proof it, use a programm that shows your mouse and keyboard keys, then open the Task Manager and show us what kind of programms are Active during your abb.

      Thats the only way to proof it. Your video is a nice try but proofs nothing at all.
      That's what am said in the end of my post,I don't have to prove it anymore cause u can see clearly that i'm not using macros but this is your opinion of course,you can even bring enough evidences and proofs for report and ban me.That's what I wanted to say.The question is why i'm the biggest target right now from the archers,I mean that There is a lot of Good players which may be suspend for using macros or not even the good ones.I guess,the worse players helps themselves with macros more often :)

      But no problem,god bless your opinion.

      Youtube channel -> Here | Fearu :rolleyes: :thumbup: <3
    • a possible solution could be to train muscle memory in your little and ringfinger
      and it could be helpful to switch the keybinds maybe more into te middle part of the keyboard because the space isnt enough with all the buttons on the left side of the keyboard atleast for me
      but i think this would take a lot of time to train

      Archer is easy to play but hard to master xD