My idea of some new events

    • My idea of some new events

      Greetings to my game mates and staff ,

      I want to share my idea of new events that I taught of :
      1. “Story composing” . I taught that every week , the GM can tell an in-game theme and players make up a story for it . The most voted story wins .

      2. “Keter/Malkut marathon” , players have to make one tour of the city , without pots/mount (maybe skills) , and first 3 who finish the distance are the winners

      3. “Swimming event” . We choose a place with water , and make a swimming contest . First 3 players get a reward .

      4. “6/49 lottery” The GM thinks about 6 numbers every week , and when the event day comes , the players tell 1 pair of numbers to the GM . The one who tells the 6 numbers to the GM wins the prize . The prize will be made of what players contribute .

      Maybe you guys have more ideas , and maybe we will have part of them in the future !
      Thank you , and have a nice gaming ! :)
    • Quattro wrote:

      4. “6/49 lottery” The GM thinks about 6 numbers every week , and when the event day comes , the players tell 1 pair of numbers to the GM . The one who tells the 6 numbers to the GM wins the prize . The prize will be made of what players contribute .
      Let's say 10-15g / entry, you win x% of the gold with 3 correct numbers, y% with 4 correct numbers and so on. (devided by the amount of guys who guessed this amount of numbers)
      The not rolled out gold could get into the price pool for the next week.

      For sure the gold/entry and the percentages need to be adjusted do find a good middle for newer players to participate in and on the other hand to stop rich palyers to just buy 100 tickets and make a + everytime